OK folks so this month, I am busy with a design contest, so the amount of LO's I normally post will prolly go down. I will post some but mostly on weekends.
I entered a contest to become a designer for a store,
DigitalArts-Cafe. Most of you that read the credits know that is where I get most of my Kits that I make my Lo's with, so to be able to sell kits there would be tooo totally awesome. So the point to this whole post you ask??? Well that would be for you to join
DigitalArts-Cafe forum, and vote!!! For me or whomever's kit you like actually, but hopefully that will by mine.
Now I feel I must warn you, this weeks kit was suposed to be Heritage, which I totally loathe, but at least it is out of the way now. So you will see way better kits from me in the future!! Just don't ever ask me for heritage!!
Now in order to vote you must register
here, post at least 5 posts, in order to view, download and vote for the contest, try
here to post don't forget 5 posts, then you will see the secret forum where you can
see them and
Now while you are there, you can join in the birthday celebrations
here and get lots of great stuff and have loads of fun!!!!
So take a few mins and
sign up,
vote, and
celebrate with us!!!